The problem with writing to be ‘provocative’

The problem with writing to be ‘provocative’

This week a website that purports to write smart, analytical pieces on baseball in general and the Cubs in particular published a steaming pile so foul that it was followed almost immediately with a chaser from the site’s editor that explained that while he...
Let’s hold off on trading Jorge, eh?

Let’s hold off on trading Jorge, eh?

Current titleholder of “Worst Twitterer in the Universe” Bruce Levine wrote a surprisingly coherent piece for The Score where he touted the Cubs as the “most likely landing place” for Dexter Fowler. We all liked Dexter.  He did a nice job,...
Designate this

Designate this

The baseball owners are going meet this weekend at Del Boca Vista to discuss how filthy rich they all are, and for the Wilpons to screen the new “Madoff” mini-series. Among the other things they’re going to discuss1 is bringing the designated hitter...