There are things we think (Bruce Levine’s mother is bathed in formaldehyde every night before he props her back into a chair facing her third floor bedroom window), things we think we know (Barry Rozner gets 317 vacation days a year) and things we absolutely know (Chris DeLuca is a complete assbag.)

Why is it that Chicago has the following dopes pretending to be baseball experts?

Levine (ESPN Radio 1000): Used to actually, occasionally get a rumor right. It was probably dumb luck. But lately, every scoop he’s had has been wrong. Not just wrong, but so wrong that a day later he pretends he never said it. Keep cashing those checks, Brucie. You’re doing a great job.

George Ofman (The Score): Is there a creepier man alive? If it’s not the 14 inch forehead, it’s the creepy fake laugh he uses. When you pine for the days of Julie Swieca, you know things are bad.

Phil Rogers (Chicago Tribune): Phil still thinks he’s writing for a newspaper in Texas. If we have to hear about Tim Purpura or Roger Clemens or Toby Harrah one more time there’s going to be a rash of mass suicides.

Bruce Miles (Daily Herald): By all accounts, Bruce is pretty good, but you just know he believes everything Jim Hendry tells him. Bruce has yet to realize that Hendry doesn’t believe half of what Hendry’s saying. Especially if what he’s saying is, “I don’t think I’m going to have another piece of pie.”

Chris DeLuca (Sun-Times): Think about this. If you lined these guys up and had to pick the dumbest one out of an admittedly moronic group, DeLuca would win every time. How did he get this job? Did he win it in a raffle? Have you ever opened the Sun-Times and hoped there’d be a DeLuca column in it so you could find out what’s going on? Guess what, you never will, either.

So that brings us to our half-witted (that might be too kind, actually) buddy.

Today he wrote a pile that had so much steam coming off of it, they had to delay flights at O’Hare.

It’s not the format of the column that is so awful. It’s one of those half-assed, ooh, let’s list some free agents and pick where they’ll end up columns. You know, they’re the ones you write when you’re hung over and don’t want to really do any thinking.

It’s not the format and it’s not even the teams he picks for the guys to end up on. The reality is that nobody knows where any of these punks are going to end up. It’s the logic he uses to get them there. It really defies logic. This guy has an editor, presumably. How dumb is that guy?

He says two sad things about Paul Konerko.

A remarkable October performance drives up his cost, but Konerko is worth it because he will be a popular presence in any clubhouse.

Without doubt, the biggest name on the free-agent market.

First off, if you’re paying a guy to be a great presence in the clubhouse, you have no idea how to put together a baseball team. You know who you pay to be good in the clubhouse regardless of playing ability? Coaches. That’s who. DeLuca says that Konerko’s not worth huge money (he’s right) but apparently since he’s such a great guy, he suddenly is worth huge money?

The fact that Konerko is the biggest name on the market proves that this market sucks.

It’s hard to forget the .254 average and .310 OBP before the All-Star break that nearly prompted the Braves to trade him before the July 31 deadline.

Wait, did anybody go to the trade deadline thinking the Braves were going to dump Rafael Furcal? Probably not. And you know why? Check out the numbers Furcal put up in July.

Batting average: .390 (yes, THREE-ninety– 41 hits in 105 at bats)
On base average: .449 (not .349, FOUR-forty-nine)
Slugging percentage: .590
OPS: 1.040

Yeah, those are the kinds of numbers that will force a team to dump you at the deadline. Nice work, Chris.

On Juan Pierre, DeLuca seriously has the White Sox in pursuit of him. That makes sense. Why not pair a Judy hitting leftfielder who plays lousy defense with no arm with a Judy hitting centerfielder who plays lousy defense with no arm? Genius!

He also says:

He offers a left-handed bat and has the speed (57 stolen bases) to be a capable leadoff hitter, though the Cubs or White Sox would prefer to bat him second.

Bwah? Huh? OK, should the Sox get him (and why would they), I can see hitting Juan behind Scott Podsednik, but who the hell are the Cubs going to hit in front of Pierre? Corey Patterson? Oh, that’d be great. Neifi? Kudos! Even if they sign Furcal, why would you bat the guy who never hits a double behind the guy with extra base power? Even Dusty Baker’s not dumb enough to do this. Wait, he probably is. OK, scratch this one off the list.

He has Brian Giles signing with the Cubs, even though the Cubs have shown no actual interest in the 36 year old right fielder. Don’t you kind of have to plan to offer a guy a contract for him know…sign one?

He puts the Cubs in the Ichiro derby, too. First off, the Mariners aren’t trading him, so as Mel Brooks once wrote, “this is all just jerking off.” The only reason this is in the article is so DeLuca could fill two more column inches.

And he has this to say about Jock Jones:

A left-handed bat who might offer some power. He’s a solid outfielder, but he wouldn’t be much of an upgrade in right over Jeromy Burnitz for the Cubs.

Wouldn’t be “much” of an upgrade over Burnitz? He would be the kind of upgrade that’s worse. You know…a downgrade?

And to think, the man gets paid for this stuff.

Mariotti got his panties in a bunch yesterday over the Olin Kreutz-Fred Miller bout, and took Lovie to task for not punishing Kreutz more. Today, (always a day late) Rick Morrissey sings the same, off-key tune. Look, it’s football. Fights happen all the time. Gee, you think a bunch of guys paid to hit people don’t hit each other once in a while? As far as Olin and Fred lying to Lovie, don’t you think there’s a distinct possibility that Lovie knew the truth and the lie was for the media? Gasp! You don’t think?

Apparently, we can’t expect 37 wins out of the Illini this year. Really?

Fred Miller’s going to play Sunday, and apparently the fight happened at an FBI shooting range. Fred’s lucky all he got was punched.

Scott Skiles said on the Bulls’ pregame Monday that eventually Luol Deng would get back in the starting lineup. Eventually, looks like tonight.

Tim Thomas thinks the Bulls want to trade him. He must be assuming that somebody wants him. By the way, if you own NBA2K6, Thomas is unstoppable. If only that were true in real life.

Ned Colletti a former Cubs PR and then “finance” weasel is the new GM of the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Ken Rosenthal on the hire. He says that Theo Epstein has told friends he’d like to get back into baseball next year with the Mariners or Cubs. You also hope that Colletti wasn’t on the side in San Francisco that wanted Dusty gone. It’d be nice to see if Dusty could still be shipped west.

Matt Suhey is staying in the Bronx and Flash Gordon wants three years from the Yankees to keep caddying for Mo Rivera.

Dontrelle Willis might sign a one year deal with the Marlins, or he might got to arbitration and try to break the bank. And you wonder why the Marlins are shopping Delgado and Pierre.

Apparently, Guatemala doesn’t have such a good baseball team.

Thanks to the guys at, we finish today with a classic from America’s finest news source.