Remember This Crap is back and it’s a two-fer? Who better than these guys to recall the most embarrassing days in Bears history, and to regale you with tales of Bears-Chiefs history? It’s the only Bears podcast you’ll hear this week with discussions about Jeremiah Ratliff, Sam Hurd, Alonso Spellman, gun range punchings, the Johnson Twins Tank and Todd, Joe Delaney, Mirro Roder, Frank Gansz, Terry Shea, Christian Okoye, Gary Crowton, John Roveto and Abe Gibron.

The Bears and Chiefs haven’t met that often over the years and most of the matchups haven’t meant a whole lot, but the matchups have had a few great moments, including one of the greatest and most iconic runs of all time.

And no, it wasn’t by Tim Worley.

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