Carlos pitched his ass off last night, even if the Dodgers only have three guys who can hit.

Well, we found out what Jerome Williams likes to do in his spare time. Eat.

The Bulls and Scott Skiles aren’t close yet on a contract extension. Why do I not worry so much when John Paxson’s making the decisions?

The Bears think if they stay healthy their defense will be good. I should hope so. I’d hope if any unit stays healthy it’ll be good.

Antoineo Harris? Ooh, pinch me!

Now that Todd Wellemeyer’s a grizzled vet, he sees things from a different perspective. Or something.

John Koronka’s ready to go out and give the Cubs their sixth straight win. I wish we were as ready to watch him try.

Dusty wants Jerome to lay off the fast food. Better not let him park at the Wrigley McDonald’s then.

Steve Stone might be driving the Neifi for All-Star bandwagon. Apparently Bob Brenly is along for the ride, too. Bob suggested it last night. Yikes.

Not only are the Cubs going to talk to Danny Graves (he’s officially free today), but to Matt Herges, too. Why? Hey, the Cubs’ bullpen is young, but you can argue that everybody who’s in it right now is more talented than either of these dopes. They’re never going to get experience if you don’t use them.

Zach Day broke his hand and killed a trade. Rumors are that he was either headed to the Marlins for Juan Encarnacion (there’s a law that says the Marlins have to trade Juan every year).

America’s finest news source with the tragic tale of a North Carolina couple who skipped the physical intimacy part of dating and went right to the emotional intimacy. Ouch. That’s got to hurt.