A lot of you have wondered where I’ve been all season. After all, this is the first thing I’ve written since spring training. It’s true that over the years I’ve been in and out of Betty Ford more times than Gerald, but I wasn’t off in rehab, and I wasn’t sick.

No, I was helping Al Gore put together his new TV news network aimed at young adults 18-36. I dubbed it Operation: Money Down a Rathole. So when Andy asked me to do the Dose today, I had to jump at the chance to do a little promotion for the network.

The network is called Current TV and you can find us on channel 366 on DirecTV and if you have Comcast’s digital package we’re on channel 125.

I host some of the overnight stuff, so set your TiVo’s. I’m on prime time if you live in Honolulu, and Jerome Williams’ dad thinks I’m terrific.

I also have my own show called Mis(ter)Information with Karry Ling and it doesn’t have a solid time slot yet, but Al has promised I’ll have a permanent home in the near future. Of course, he also promised me I’d be the ambassador to Sweden when he was elected president, and we know how that turned out.

I actually host Mis(ter)Information with Laura Ling, my illegitmate daughter. Apparently on one of my many trips to Cambodia I left a little something behind. She’s great, though. She’s very inquisitive and she always says the cutest things to me like, “Go away, creepy!” and “Wow, I think you’re diaper’s full again, you crusty old jackass!” It’s great.

Hey, remember Amaya from Real World: Hawaii? She was the creepy stalker who told great tales of how she had bulimia when she was like 17 and she always slept with that one guy but wouldn’t let him have sex with her? (Sounds like several of my honeymoons.) Well, she works for Current TV, too. And without her bleach blonde hair you can really see how pretty her eyes are and just how big those front teeth are. Look out!

Yeah, quite the talent pool we’ve got here. Let’s just say there is no deep end of that pool.

Current TV is just great, though. The guys don’t wear ties, I don’t wear pants and I’m pretty sure the girls don’t wear underwear. Now that’s a scoop I’d like to get!

And when Al Gore says that our coverage will be non-partisan and unbiased, he’s right. Why just yesterday he assigned me to do a story on the 2000 Presidential Election recount and how partisan and biased it was. Then he closed the door to his office and wept openly and unashamedly. Well, he was unashamed. The rest of us? Not so much.