Rick Morrissey is still a clueless asshat

For those of you who were still wondering, Rick Morrissey is still an idiot.  I can’t imagine too many of you were actually wondering, but if you were, I’m happy to provide the confirmation you need. Yesterday, Morrissey continued the demise of the daily...

I hate them now more than ever

So Lou Piniella called it a career yesterday.  After 48 years as a player, general manager and manager, he took off his uniform for the last time and headed home to Tampa to take care of his mother.  I’m sure a lot of people don’t believe that’s...

Best magazine cover…ever

Our good friend Al Yellon is the proud editor of a fine Cubs preview publication titled…well, actually that’s kind of what we’re confused about. Check out the cover over here.  Either Derrek Lee’s head is covering up a pretty important pair of...

Milton will be missed…like syphilis

As the Cubs death march to end the season continues, they’ll have to do it without Milton Bradley.  It’s fitting, because there’s nothing worse than going to a funeral and having a guy try to pee into the casket. Signing Milton never seemed like a...

Gordo, unhinged

One of the more fascinating subplots to the Cubs early 2009 season has been the strange coverage of the team by Sun-Times beat writer Gordon Wittenmyer. Last week, Gordon wrote not one, but two stories where he used some interesting circular logic, and a handful of...