Desipio Message Board

General Category => You'll Laugh, You'll Cry, You'll Kiss Eight Bucks Goodbye => Topic started by: Wheezer on August 17, 2012, 11:04:04 PM

Title: Virus
Post by: Wheezer on August 17, 2012, 11:04:04 PM
Holy shit, this has everything. Infectious disease, end of the world, Antartica, submarine warfare, and I'm only halfway through. It's fantastic.

[Edit.--No. No, the original cut is 48 minutes longer. This can't be happening.]

[Edit 2.--Absolutely the pinnacle of high-cheese apocalyptic filmmaking.]

[Edit 3.--Oh, and The Paper Chase is awful. However, Lindsay Wagner would have been taken out by the apocalypse, so this is all coming up roses.]