Desipio Message Board

General Category => You'll Laugh, You'll Cry, You'll Kiss Eight Bucks Goodbye => Topic started by: CBStew on August 03, 2014, 11:39:26 AM

Title: Lucy
Post by: CBStew on August 03, 2014, 11:39:26 AM
For Sci Fi fans only.  As I get older I am less able to suspend belief.  The movie is extremely bloody.  The science fiction genre just isn't my cup of tea, so I don't think I am the right person to tell you about this movie.  Each science fiction story invents its own reality and speaks its own language.  Some speak more directly to me than others.  This one had nothing to tell me.  But you may enjoy it more than I did.  Scarlett Johansen is wonderful to look at even when she is covered in unconvincing blood.