
OK A-holes.  It's fixed.  Enjoy the orange links, because I have no fucking idea how to change them.  I basically learned scripting in four days to fix this damned thing. - Andy

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Topics - Wheezer

The Dead Pool / Poincaré invariance
February 02, 2013, 02:26:42 AM
The founder of mathematical quantum field theory, Arthur Wightman. If you ever pick up a copy of Div, Grad, Curl, and All That, he did that gag before Schey.
Tickets for the U. of C. Folk Festival went on sale today. Oh, and the best seat in the house is closest box to stage left.
If one can get past the intial entomolgical pr0n, this promptly goes completely insane. Can we power a lab full of rack-mount shit and TV monitors with a Jeep Cherokee Wagoneer? Yes we can. Do we have to explain ourselves on the wireless to a bureaucrat who thinks all this junk can be packed up in a week? No, because we have a grenade pistol.

[Edit.--Note to brave maverick scientists: You know what actually works on ants? One-inch squares of duct tape.]

[Edit 2.--This completely collapses around Phase III. Recommended only for choice of props, which are basically the only thing even keeping this in the running with Where Have All the People Gone.]
In an unsurprising but perhaps underlooked development, the Russians knew how to do the fuck post-apocalyptic. Sorry, Testament.

[Edit.--Ah, that previewed properly the first time around.]
The Dead Pool / Commodone
January 17, 2013, 07:28:05 PM
Barry Altman, who attempted to resurrect the C64 in 2010.
The Dead Pool / The big alert has been called off
January 06, 2013, 02:13:36 PM
Not bad for a $3000 production budget. Predictably, predictability is an issue as with the genre, but they put in a decent effort making it to the end, which I suppose is only finally predictable to a thoroughgoing cynic. Enjoyable in an updated ABC Movie of the Week sense, and it's hard to argue with the price.
The Dead Pool / Fusion so cold one might not even notice
December 24, 2012, 08:33:45 PM
Martin Fleischmann passed in August.
I'm flabbergasted. This has got everything. Imagine an amalgam of All the President's Men, Under the Volcano, and When Worlds Collide.

[Edit.--Nutation. It has nutation. (Herstmonceux was dropped earlier, no time-ball pun intended.) Leo McKern being alarmed by the mention of nutation. This is essential viewing in the apocalyptic genre.]

[Edit 2.--Not to suggest that they get the topic anywhere near correct, but it's the thought that counts.]

[Edit 3.]

[Edit 4.]

The Dead Pool / Contraction 720
December 17, 2012, 10:24:16 PM
WGN-AM axes Milt, outsources deck chairs.

Boobtube / Bishaash
December 16, 2012, 11:46:25 PM
This Bangla spook-detective entry seems promising. Has anyone caught it? (I'm looking at you, oblate membranous spheroids.)
The Dead Pool / Well, who could have predicted that?
December 09, 2012, 09:58:55 PM
Local fortune-teller Irene Hughes, who also was informed by the stars that Obama would be a one-term president.
This give-me-your-marketing-information bastard is now mincing and prancing about "low and slow" omelet cooking on Milt Rosenberg. He forgets to fold it. Seriously, fuck you, Kimball. It doesn't take long to figure out if you actually engage in the task. Oh, and your butterflied turkey cooked atop stuffing was fucking atrocious.

[Edit.--Oh, fucking hell, now he's suggesting that an "easier" method for the "home cook" to roast a chicken is to brine it (and perhaps butterfly, to simplify things further).]

[Edit 2.--No, you pig-eyed sack of shit, "roasting" does not demand a spit and open flame.]
I imagine this is well-known material, but holy cats. Larry David is rendered instantly superfluous.

[Edit.--What's that you say? Yes, of course it is.]
A word to the wise (or someone).

QuoteGaby Scanlon is believed to have suffered an adverse reaction after drinking a correctly prepared Jagermeister drink made with liquid nitrogen to produce a steaming "cauldron effect."
At a mere 20 minutes in, I will call this a case of time better spent than the whole of The Walking Dead so far or anything it's likely to have on offer going forward. The sound needs a bit of equalization (it's tinny), but the Filmexport print is more than serviceable visually.

[Edit.--One can absolutely see where the dance scene would appeal to the same sensibility that brought "Invaders from Space" to the kiddie-reel circuit.]

[Edit 2.--I will lay better-than-even odds that the Buckaroo Banzai "somebody turn off that gosh-a darn klaxon" line is a direct nod to what happens next.]
I advance this opinion without reference to the novel.

For some reason, this movie was a big deal when I was in high school, as was American Werewolf, all of this revolving around somebody who got passes to early screenings. On its own terms, it's really no worse than Exorcist 3, with the bonus of the Salem's Lot cinematography and Frank Astaire's final performance. And some toe-nipple action.
At three minutes in, I am willing to declare this a study in bad. Highly recommended.

[Edit.--In retrospect, the first three minutes are about all one needs. This is essentially a farcical precursor to The War Game, and it doesn't much work. I'm feeling less than strongly inclined to move on to the 14.5-hour Resan.]

[Edit 2.--Unless you want to see Australians in skirts falling over a lot, of course. Then hang on for the whole ride.]
Seems promising.

[Edit.--I'm less sanguine regarding the one about the quashing of the Didgeridoo Jacobites, though. Time will tell.]