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Messages - thehawk

Those out there may wish to vote for Derrek for the Clemente Award (I voted, but less than 100,000 times).  Heres the link  Apologies in advance for the John Cougar song that pops up (I'll let you guess which one).
Boy that game last night frustrating, because you knew that as soon as Houston got a runner on, it would be over.  The worst part is that neither the Brewers or Cards are going to go anywhere in the standings either, so that the Cubs will be in it coming into the last week, at which they will blow up like a Pinto full of gasoline and fireworks driving down the Edens by Lance Briggs at 3 a.m. Yeesh.
Derrek Lee's hits this weekend season saving (at least so far)?  Yep.
Quote from: Kwyjibo on August 23, 2007, 10:03:48 AM
Quote from: ~Apex on August 23, 2007, 10:01:49 AM
Quote from: Kwyjibo on August 23, 2007, 09:51:39 AM
Quote from: ~Apex on August 23, 2007, 09:50:41 AM
Quote from: Slaky+ on August 23, 2007, 09:45:18 AM
I really believe Kerry's fine and just being used cautiously. I've got no problem with that. He was good his last outing, right? No worries here.

Let's hope Z goes 9 and makes this moot beans Barroid in his grotesque, giant seedless head.


No way in Hell Barroid gets in the box against Big Z.

He could fire one into the dugout then right at Barroid's noggin and maybe get a riccochet off of Boche's giant gourd.

I think Barroid's head would just pop like the big fucking balloon it is.

Pretty sure you can just throw in the general direction of the dugout, and let the gravational pull of Barroid's head take over, that thing is the size of a planatoid.
Quote from: Three times a JD on August 16, 2007, 08:19:14 AM
Are we gonna call this kid J-Vitt, JV, or Vitty?

Desipio Lounge / Re: Phuck you, Philadelphia
August 05, 2007, 06:55:41 PM
Quote from: ChuckDickens on August 05, 2007, 04:12:34 PM
The Phillies just put up phive runs in the 9th to tie it up. God bless you, Phrancisco Cordero.

Edit: rephormatted

Kermit, rumors that Demphster pitched the bottom of the 9th for Milwaukee were phound to be untrue.

Desipio Lounge / Re: Phuck you, Philadelphia
August 05, 2007, 06:53:05 PM
Quote from: CT II on August 05, 2007, 04:21:39 PM
I'm just worried that the Cardinals will use their sweep at the hands of Washington as motivation to go on a tear and take over first place by the end of next week.  It's quite frightening.  It'll be even scarier, if they manage to win a game this month.

Yes and in the game the Genius got himself thrown out and he batted his pitcher 8th.  This clearly is the turning point and Its Going to Happen to the Cardinals.

Yeah, what Stew said.  The simple fact is that if the Cubs keep playing like they have for the last 7 weeks or so (and 7 weeks is a nice big sample size), they will surely be in the playoffs (probably division but certainly the WC if either the Cards or Brewers make an Astros-like surge (and that's unlikely with the Cards pitching and the Brewers away record)).  So you really have to look at the Cubs.  Lee and Sorianot are getting hot (sure its in a bandbox but they started hitting HRs the last two days).  The two Cajuns are solid, take a lot of pitches and generally drive opposing pitchers and defenses crazy.  Ramieriez is good and likely to stay so.  Defense up the middle is good (not great but good). 

Then you get to the pitching staff, which may well be strength of the team (the lack of a LOOGY excluded).  Z, Lilly and Marshall are getting the job done (and Z's job appears to be win the Cy  Young award)  Hill and Marquis are serviceable  (well, Marquis sucks but he is a 5th starter).  Bullpen is also very good, not perfect and their fuckups have been legen.....dary, but still very good, particularly Marmol Howrey and Dempster.

Screw luck and screw history, this is a very good baseball team that is playing like it, and noone in the division (and other than maybe the Mets, the league) is that great.  I like Lou's approach to dealing with this team, and I'm giving up black cats, goats and geeks with headphones for lent.  This is going to a fun ride to watch, and I'm glad I have a good seat on the bandwagon.
Done 9-5 STL.  Also worth noting that since this thread has started (a few days before Friday night at the fights), the Cubs have gained 5.5 games on Milwaukee, 8 games from their furthest point back.  Gaining 3 games when you are on the road (and go 4-2) is spectacular.  And the Cubs could be in first before Barry gets the HR record, never thought that could happen.

And BC-  the Redbirds do not scare me, as they have no starting pitching, and none is available.  Meanwhile, the Cubs do the opposite of what happened against the snakes last weekend  (where they had a big win, and two bad losses) and are doing what a good team does, beat bad teams wherever, while the Brewers cannot win at all on the road (now 21-32 on the road).
... Followed by a bases clearing double by Carols Villanueva (good thing the Cubs got the good Carlos pitchers).  9-5 Cards, top of the 9th.
Im there slaky... watching on gamecast the brewers walking in the 6th run after being up 5-0.  Milwaukee is doing its best "Cubs in May" imitation.  1/2 Game back, here we come!
Quote from: Corn-fed on July 27, 2007, 11:31:25 AM
The Bright One's photo captions says --

QuoteJohn Murray, who attacked pitcher Randy Meyers in 1995 and is banned from Wrigley Field, is pictured with his trademarked slogan "It's Gonna Happen" shirt and caps.

I heard the moran on Gary Meier's show this morning.  He apparently was banned from Wrigley for 1 year.  He also said, 'I'm sorry for running on the field' about 432 times.  He's still a douche though.
Quote from: JS on July 26, 2007, 02:52:32 PM
Cordero finishes his pants shitting, Brewers lose 6-5.

I won't mention who had the winning run, but I just VORPed in my mouth a little.  The wheels seem to be falling off the Brewers wagon.
Quote from: BC on July 20, 2007, 10:31:27 PM

With losses by both SD and LA now 2.0 in the wildcard.  This is getting interesting.
Miracle win on Friday, Spit the bit on Saturday, and a good solid beating today (who replaced Theriot with Fontenot?).  The hole is deep, but they are enjoyable to watch, which you have not been able to say about this team since about August of 2004.  Now to get 3-4 over .500 by the break (positive baby steps).