
OK A-holes.  It's fixed.  Enjoy the orange links, because I have no fucking idea how to change them.  I basically learned scripting in four days to fix this damned thing. - Andy

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Messages - Andy

Boobtube / Re: The Office
May 09, 2006, 10:49:06 AM
They're all gold.  You literally can't go wrong with any episode they've made so far.

Steve Carrell wrote the season finale coming up on Thursday.  It's funny that they've "supersized" it to 40 minutes, because on the season one DVD they have plenty of good stuff deleted from each episode to get it down to the 30 minute format (which is, like 21 minutes after commercials and the opening credits).
Boobtube / Re: The Colbert Report
May 05, 2006, 04:47:05 PM
The ironic thing about the correspondent's dinner is that he absolutely bombed.  The stuff was hilarious and nobody laughed.  The best part is that not only didn't it bother him, he thrived on it.

Boobtube / Re: The Office
May 05, 2006, 04:45:59 PM
I liked it when Pam called Dwight "Bobblehead Joe."
Boobtube / Re: The Office
May 05, 2006, 08:55:54 AM
I loved the list of grievances that Dwight has filed about Jim.

"Everyone called me Duane all day, I think Jim paid them."
Jim: Yeah, $5 each.  It was totally worth it.

"Everytime I typed my name into the computer today it changed to Diaper."
Jim: That's actually a very simple macro.

"Hit myself in the head with my phone."
Jim: Oh, that took a while.  I stuffed nickels in the handset until he got used to the added weight, then took them all out."

"It feels like my desk moved two feet to the right."
Jim: Yeah, every time he got up to go the bathroom I moved it a couple inches.  It's pretty much all I did that day.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 21, 2006, 05:13:04 PM
Now I'll have a reason to run to the mailbox all next week.

"The Wilkes-Barre branch is working overtime to get their reports in to avoid downsizing.  We're taking an extra hour for lunch to go watch Dwight and Michael fight."
Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 06, 2006, 11:33:52 AM
Dwight: "I do not tip people for things I could do myself.  I do not tip a waiter, because I can bring myself food.  I do not tip cab drivers because I can drive myself around in a car.  I did tip my urologist though.  As I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones."
Boobtube / Re: The Office
March 17, 2006, 03:31:42 PM
Ryan: Kelly and I agreed that we're just having fun.  But Kelly's idea of fun is apparently getting married and having babies...immediately.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
March 17, 2006, 09:52:45 AM
The Office will be open all summer:,0,4838494.story?coll=zap-tv-headlines

Watched last night's after Illinois-Air Force.  Ryan getting screamed at for supposedly hitting on Stanley's daughter was tremendous.  Michael and Dwight dueting on "Teach Your Children Well" was also tremendous.  I feel bad that I grew up without Fundlebundle, now.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
March 08, 2006, 04:53:11 PM
Tomorrow night's is (according to the Web site) a re-run.  But it's a classic.  The Diversity Day one from last year that was the first truly great episode in the show's American history.

However, Entertainment Weekly says it's not a re-run, but rather the much anticipated (and long rumored) Bring Your Daughter To Work Day episode.  Maybe that's next week?
Boobtube / Re: The Office
March 03, 2006, 08:39:37 AM
"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't see that you had a hearing aid.  I just thought you had a weird speech...uh..."

An underrated moment was when Pam and Kelly and Ryan were in the break room talking about Pam's wedding when Kelly said: "I can't wait to get married." Then turns to a horrified Ryan and says, "How old do you think you'll be when you get married, Ryan?"

Ryan says, "Really, I don't think I'll ever get married.  Nope."

Kelly bolts out of the room and Pam tells Ryan he should be careful what he says around Kelly because she really likes him.  Ryan stares straight ahead and says, "I know what I said."

You had to love Michael's use of "Good Morning Vietnam!" just hours after Dwight had bombed at it during "toast practice."

Michael: "What's the difference between saleswomen and salesmen?"
Dwight: "A vagina."
Michael: "No, that's...that's science.  It's a joke.  What's the difference between saleswomen and salesmen?"
Dwight: "I don't know.  What is it?"
Michael: "Boobs."
Boobtube / Re: The Office
February 10, 2006, 04:29:39 PM
I loved the sight of Phyllis having to "Fireman's Carry" that enormous bear she got from "Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration", and the look on Pam's face when Roy figured out she was mad at him for not getting her anything for Valentine's Day and he said, "Valentine's Day's not over.  How about I get you home and we have the best sex ever?"  Ahh, the look of never gets old.

Also loved Jim's " while I'm" reaction when the Indian girl asked Ryan out right in front of him.

And as JL already pointed out the "A Michael Scott Joint" at the end of the presentation "movie" was great, as was the inexplicable inclusion of photos of Robin Williams and Steve Martin as Michael's voice yelled "Great Scott" with a British accent.

Also liked the bit where he ran after that woman he thought was Tina Fey as the real Conan O'Brien walked right past him without his noticing.

This is why I'm not ashamed to admit I watch The Office twice every week.

Frickin' Olympics!  I hate 'em.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
February 07, 2006, 10:07:59 AM
The Jim/Pam thing is following the exact same track that the Tim/Dawn thing did in the British version.

PBS just showed the one Saturday when David and "Finchy" lost in Quiz Bowl or whatever they called it, and Finchy threw Tim's shoe over the bar.

The series was almost over and Lee and Dawn were planning on moving to America so Tim was depressed, and having to walk around the outside of the bar with one shoe on to find his other shoe in the dark seemed a suitably pitiful way to end the episode.

The NBC version may have painted themselves into a corner though with Roy and Pam by actually setting a date for the wedding, that they'll have to cross next year.  Though Roy seems like the kind of guy who accidentally schedule a fishing trip on his wedding day and reschedule the wedding instead of the fishing trip.

Love those Pocanos.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
February 06, 2006, 12:10:03 PM
What I love about Jim and Dwight is that they always have priceless reactions to things that Michael says or does.

On Thursday night, Dwight stole the show with his overly enthusiastic reactions to Michael's antics in the warehouse.

Desipio Lounge / Re: Jock Jones now a Cub
December 21, 2005, 04:30:32 PM
Sounds like the Cubs have interest in signing Eric Byrnes.  Get ready for lots of bench time in '06 Mr. Murton!  Wheee!
Desipio Lounge / Re: Jock Jones now a Cub
December 21, 2005, 12:46:00 PM
Ain't nothing really good about a .287 average or .333 on base against righties if you're a lefty.