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Author Topic: Fine Liquor  ( 88,416 )


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #105 on: August 13, 2010, 09:13:29 AM »
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 08:56:58 AM
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 02:47:52 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 12, 2010, 08:23:52 PM
I'm not much into whiskey, but I had a shot of some Irish stuff Monday night that was simply delicious and smooth.  I can't remember what it was called...some Irish name.

Good tequila is really good.

But, the good stuff...

When drinking a mixed drink, any vodka will do, even the cheap shit.  If you're not going to taste it anyway, why bother.  The exception is vodka and soda.  Use at least call vodka for that.  As for hangovers...well, if you're drinking enough mixed drinks to be hungover the next day, fuck off.  Do shots.

When doing shots, do nothing less expensive than Stoli.  In fact, Stoli is pretty much favorite that won't usually kill the wallet.  My dad keeps Svedka around.  Sometimes Three Olives.  Either is fine when not looking to go broke.  This is most certainly NOT sipping vodka.  Keep these strictly for shots.

When drinking martinis or on the rocks, keep to the expensive vodkas.  I prefer Chopin, which is a potato vodka.  Most places don't have that, but they do have Belvedere, which is the grain brother of Chopin.  I usually stick to one of these unless there's something really rare around.  I drink my martinis about as dry as can be.  You can never have too little vermouth.  Grey Goose is fine, but I just simply prefer the Polish stuff.

One more note.  For fuck's sake, do not get your vodka shots chilled, if they are not coming out of the freezer.  If you see a bartender begin to pour your vodka over ice before pouring it to your shot glass, yell at him/her.  It's a fucking crime.  Why would anyone water down their vodka like that?  Just man up and shoot it warm and not watered down.

God damn I love me my vodka.


SKO, if you want to get drunk in style, this is all you need to know.  Except that, of course, a martini is made with gin, not vodka.  Oleg's a dumb Uke, and so is James Bond.

The only time I've ever gotten a martini I had it with Gin. As far as the colorless spirits go, Gin is tops. Vodka doesn't even compare in my book. Also, light, non-spiced rum is the devil's work.

It really is just a matter of taste.  Nothing against gin, I just really like my vodka.

Which brings up one more point.  If any of you nannies drinking Stoli Orange or some other fruit falvored vodka, go fuck yourself.  Fucking pansies.

Except TDubbs and IAN.  I expect that shit from you assclowns.  But you're still pansies.


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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #106 on: August 13, 2010, 09:19:30 AM »
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 09:13:29 AM
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 08:56:58 AM
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 02:47:52 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 12, 2010, 08:23:52 PM
I'm not much into whiskey, but I had a shot of some Irish stuff Monday night that was simply delicious and smooth.  I can't remember what it was called...some Irish name.

Good tequila is really good.

But, the good stuff...

When drinking a mixed drink, any vodka will do, even the cheap shit.  If you're not going to taste it anyway, why bother.  The exception is vodka and soda.  Use at least call vodka for that.  As for hangovers...well, if you're drinking enough mixed drinks to be hungover the next day, fuck off.  Do shots.

When doing shots, do nothing less expensive than Stoli.  In fact, Stoli is pretty much favorite that won't usually kill the wallet.  My dad keeps Svedka around.  Sometimes Three Olives.  Either is fine when not looking to go broke.  This is most certainly NOT sipping vodka.  Keep these strictly for shots.

When drinking martinis or on the rocks, keep to the expensive vodkas.  I prefer Chopin, which is a potato vodka.  Most places don't have that, but they do have Belvedere, which is the grain brother of Chopin.  I usually stick to one of these unless there's something really rare around.  I drink my martinis about as dry as can be.  You can never have too little vermouth.  Grey Goose is fine, but I just simply prefer the Polish stuff.

One more note.  For fuck's sake, do not get your vodka shots chilled, if they are not coming out of the freezer.  If you see a bartender begin to pour your vodka over ice before pouring it to your shot glass, yell at him/her.  It's a fucking crime.  Why would anyone water down their vodka like that?  Just man up and shoot it warm and not watered down.

God damn I love me my vodka.


SKO, if you want to get drunk in style, this is all you need to know.  Except that, of course, a martini is made with gin, not vodka.  Oleg's a dumb Uke, and so is James Bond.

The only time I've ever gotten a martini I had it with Gin. As far as the colorless spirits go, Gin is tops. Vodka doesn't even compare in my book. Also, light, non-spiced rum is the devil's work.

It really is just a matter of taste.  Nothing against gin, I just really like my vodka.

Which brings up one more point.  If any of you nannies drinking Stoli Orange or some other fruit falvored vodka, go fuck yourself.  Fucking pansies.

Except TDubbs and IAN.  I expect that shit from you assclowns.  But you're still pansies.

I drink sweet tea vodka and I don't give a shit what you think.  It's awesome.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 8,694
Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #107 on: August 13, 2010, 09:19:57 AM »
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 09:13:29 AM
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 08:56:58 AM
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 02:47:52 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 12, 2010, 08:23:52 PM
I'm not much into whiskey, but I had a shot of some Irish stuff Monday night that was simply delicious and smooth.  I can't remember what it was called...some Irish name.

Good tequila is really good.

But, the good stuff...

When drinking a mixed drink, any vodka will do, even the cheap shit.  If you're not going to taste it anyway, why bother.  The exception is vodka and soda.  Use at least call vodka for that.  As for hangovers...well, if you're drinking enough mixed drinks to be hungover the next day, fuck off.  Do shots.

When doing shots, do nothing less expensive than Stoli.  In fact, Stoli is pretty much favorite that won't usually kill the wallet.  My dad keeps Svedka around.  Sometimes Three Olives.  Either is fine when not looking to go broke.  This is most certainly NOT sipping vodka.  Keep these strictly for shots.

When drinking martinis or on the rocks, keep to the expensive vodkas.  I prefer Chopin, which is a potato vodka.  Most places don't have that, but they do have Belvedere, which is the grain brother of Chopin.  I usually stick to one of these unless there's something really rare around.  I drink my martinis about as dry as can be.  You can never have too little vermouth.  Grey Goose is fine, but I just simply prefer the Polish stuff.

One more note.  For fuck's sake, do not get your vodka shots chilled, if they are not coming out of the freezer.  If you see a bartender begin to pour your vodka over ice before pouring it to your shot glass, yell at him/her.  It's a fucking crime.  Why would anyone water down their vodka like that?  Just man up and shoot it warm and not watered down.

God damn I love me my vodka.


SKO, if you want to get drunk in style, this is all you need to know.  Except that, of course, a martini is made with gin, not vodka.  Oleg's a dumb Uke, and so is James Bond.

The only time I've ever gotten a martini I had it with Gin. As far as the colorless spirits go, Gin is tops. Vodka doesn't even compare in my book. Also, light, non-spiced rum is the devil's work.

It really is just a matter of taste.  Nothing against gin, I just really like my vodka.

Which brings up one more point.  If any of you nannies drinking Stoli Orange or some other fruit falvored vodka, go fuck yourself.  Fucking pansies.

Except TDubbs and IAN.  I expect that shit from you assclowns.  But you're still pansies.

We had a guy in my dorm that was an asswipe from New Jersey. He'd do shit like blast Taylor Swift songs at full volume late into the night because he thought it was funny how pissed off people got. He had every flavor of Smirnoff "twist" or whatever the fuck it's called in his room and anytime you ran into him his first question was "dude, you drinkin?" After which he'd precede to detail just how much of his fruity vodka he had consumed to that point. Later on that guy lit a kid's shoe on fire, which set the fire alarm off and sent all of us out into the night at 2 am in the middle of February with 6 inches of snow on the ground. We responded by dipping his bed sheets in the toilet and throwing his actual bed over the top of the stalls to the bathroom. I hope that kid dies. Mainly, however, I hate the fruity vodka that I will forever associate with that assface.
I will vow, for the sake of peace, not to complain about David Ross between now and his first start next year- 10/26/2015

Internet Apex

  • SSM's Resident Octagonacologist
  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #108 on: August 13, 2010, 09:32:05 AM »
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 07:31:50 AM
Quote from: CBStew on August 12, 2010, 08:58:28 PM
Quote from: Oleg on August 12, 2010, 08:40:49 PM
Quote from: CT III on August 12, 2010, 08:30:20 PM
Quote from: Oleg on August 12, 2010, 08:23:52 PM
I'm not much into whiskey, but I had a shot of some Irish stuff Monday night that was simply delicious and smooth.  I can't remember what it was called...some Irish name.

Good tequila is really good.

But, the good stuff...

When drinking a mixed drink, any vodka will do, even the cheap shit.  If you're not going to taste it anyway, why bother.  The exception is vodka and soda.  Use at least call vodka for that.  As for hangovers...well, if you're drinking enough mixed drinks to be hungover the next day, fuck off.  Do shots.

When doing shots, do nothing less expensive than Stoli.  In fact, Stoli is pretty much favorite that won't usually kill the wallet.  My dad keeps Svedka around.  Sometimes Three Olives.  Either is fine when not looking to go broke.  This is most certainly NOT sipping vodka.  Keep these strictly for shots.

When drinking martinis or on the rocks, keep to the expensive vodkas.  I prefer Chopin, which is a potato vodka.  Most places don't have that, but they do have Belvedere, which is the grain brother of Chopin.  I usually stick to one of these unless there's something really rare around.  I drink my martinis about as dry as can be.  You can never have too little vermouth.  Grey Goose is fine, but I just simply prefer the Polish stuff.

One more note.  For fuck's sake, do not get your vodka shots chilled, if they are not coming out of the freezer.  If you see a bartender begin to pour your vodka over ice before pouring it to your shot glass, yell at him/her.  It's a fucking crime.  Why would anyone water down their vodka like that?  Just man up and shoot it warm and not watered down.

God damn I love me my vodka.

What is your prefered brand to smash on the floor?

I don't remember.  I think it was Stoli.

Tell us about the absinthe.

The only time I had absinthe was in London just after we invaded Afghanistan.  It was in some weird goth-like bar (I think somewhere near Piccadilly, but I don't remember).  It wasn't that great and didn't do much that any strong alcohol hasn't done.  I can see why someone would think it was hallucinogenic, but you probably need to drink a lot of it, which was just not in the cards.

I did end up getting into a weird argument with some Irish Republican over the war.  Once he realized I was American, he didn't care that we had our politics in common, he just wanted to yell at me for a war that I was most definitely not in favor of in the first place.  It was quite bizarre.  Once I found out he was and Irish nationalist, I just kind of gave him shit about supporting the crown and shit like that.  Apparently, I was kind of lucky to leave with my life.

I swear this part is we were walking out, he was making out with some Italian dude.  It was a bizarre scene, man.

Maybe there really is something to this absinthe stuff after all.

You must have been exhausted, and scared. And yet you drank absinthe. You're a real American hero, Oleg. God bless you.
The 37th Tenet of Pexism:  Apestink is terrible.

Internet Apex

  • SSM's Resident Octagonacologist
  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #109 on: August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM »

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)
The 37th Tenet of Pexism:  Apestink is terrible.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 3,921
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #110 on: August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM »
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

Internet Apex

  • SSM's Resident Octagonacologist
  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #111 on: August 13, 2010, 10:04:32 AM »
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

The 37th Tenet of Pexism:  Apestink is terrible.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 3,220
Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #112 on: August 13, 2010, 10:05:22 AM »
So - new Mad Men on Sunday?


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #113 on: August 13, 2010, 10:06:44 AM »
Quote from: Fork on August 13, 2010, 08:23:09 AM
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 07:57:47 AM
Quote from: Fork on August 13, 2010, 07:30:41 AM
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 03:04:07 AM
Quote from: Oleg
God damn I love me my vodka.

Also, THI.

Any decent spirit should be perfectly palatable - if not better, even - at room temperature.  A drop of water in your malt is the only time you should ever dilute anything that's being drunk without a mixer.

That's not to say a properly chilled (or frozen) vodka can't be an enjoyable experience, along with either Beluga & toasts or nice crusty bread.

Which is why I very carefully didn't say that.

Yeah, but you also didn't say what goes well with ram's balls.

A ram's dick, of course.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 8,694
Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #114 on: August 13, 2010, 10:07:45 AM »
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

Are you suggesting we invade our own country again? Excellent. SOUTH CAROLINA MUST BE DESTROYED!
I will vow, for the sake of peace, not to complain about David Ross between now and his first start next year- 10/26/2015

Internet Apex

  • SSM's Resident Octagonacologist
  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #115 on: August 13, 2010, 10:09:49 AM »
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 10:07:45 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

Are you suggesting we invade our own country again? Excellent. SOUTH CAROLINA MUST BE DESTROYED!

Anything to work up a good thirst.
The 37th Tenet of Pexism:  Apestink is terrible.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 5,063
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Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #116 on: August 13, 2010, 10:12:03 AM »
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 10:07:45 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

Are you suggesting we invade our own country again? Excellent. SOUTH CAROLINA MUST BE DESTROYED!

I Just learned that South Carolina has drive-through liquor stroes.  You'll destroy it over my dead body.
Your toilet's broken, Dave, but I fixed it.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 8,694
Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #117 on: August 13, 2010, 10:12:58 AM »
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 10:07:45 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

Are you suggesting we invade our own country again? Excellent. SOUTH CAROLINA MUST BE DESTROYED!

I Just learned that South Carolina has drive-through liquor stroes.  You'll destroy it over my dead body.

We have those in Illinois, too. I'm at least burning Charleston, come hell or high water.
I will vow, for the sake of peace, not to complain about David Ross between now and his first start next year- 10/26/2015


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 4,605
Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #118 on: August 13, 2010, 10:13:45 AM »
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 10:12:58 AM
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 10:07:45 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

Are you suggesting we invade our own country again? Excellent. SOUTH CAROLINA MUST BE DESTROYED!

I Just learned that South Carolina has drive-through liquor stroes.  You'll destroy it over my dead body.

We have those in Illinois, too. I'm at least burning Charleston, come hell or high water.

They I'll burn whatever cornfield your tarpaper hovel is in, Carpetbagger.
"Javier Baez is the stupidest player in Cubs history next to Michael Barrett." Internet Chuck


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 8,694
Re: Fine Liquor
« Reply #119 on: August 13, 2010, 10:18:37 AM »
Quote from: Bort on August 13, 2010, 10:13:45 AM
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 10:12:58 AM
Quote from: Tonker on August 13, 2010, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: SKO on August 13, 2010, 10:07:45 AM
Quote from: Oleg on August 13, 2010, 10:03:57 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on August 13, 2010, 09:39:04 AM

Nice work, Oleg.

You've earned yourself one hell of a time at the Phish show. Enjoy, my friend. (chokes up)

Here's an idea.  How about we don't invade other countries, you fucking Indiana hayseed.

Are you suggesting we invade our own country again? Excellent. SOUTH CAROLINA MUST BE DESTROYED!

I Just learned that South Carolina has drive-through liquor stroes.  You'll destroy it over my dead body.

We have those in Illinois, too. I'm at least burning Charleston, come hell or high water.

They I'll burn whatever cornfield your tarpaper hovel is in, Carpetbagger.

Ooh, look! Big talk from a South Carolinian. I can't see where this would possibly end in disaster four or five years down the road.
I will vow, for the sake of peace, not to complain about David Ross between now and his first start next year- 10/26/2015