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Author Topic: The Atheist Communist Caliphate Made Flesh, Spread the Clusterfuck Around Thread  ( 484,393 )


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,884
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 08:41:39 AM
Interesting how a commentary on Bobby Jindal and the state of Louisiana's stance on creationist teaching turns into a Thomas Jefferson Is a BIG FAT PHONY fingerpoint clusterfuck.

Is Thomas Jefferson planning to run for office soon?
Jefferson? Well, I was kind of counting on him running in '12. Maybe he'd bring the hope and change we are all still waiting for. (green font. Calm down Obama dick chuggers. *I think I did that right)

In actuality, I was just pointing out that the one who started the whole "Separation of Church and State" nonsense was, in fact, a hypocrite and didn't quite believe what he said to a small church in a political letter. Until Congress passes a national religion or tells me I have to pray or that I have to do something in connection with religion, I'll be fine. My rights, as well as everyone else's, won't be intruded on. If some teachers want to teach creationism, I say it's not horrible but teach both for god's sake, if you do. Don't be like the cunt who taught my "Creation-Evolution" class where she just bashed Creationism the whole time when the class was advertised as a class to talk about both. Plus, if the teacher is teaching something you don't want to hear, just do what about 85% of kids do anyway, ignore the bitch and doodle on a piece of paper or something. I think people getting their panties all in a bunch over some teachers having the opportunity to teach Creationism along side of Evolution really just need to calm down and be open and accepting to different beliefs and views.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 7,883
  • Location: Bucktown
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:05:45 AM
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 08:41:39 AM
Interesting how a commentary on Bobby Jindal and the state of Louisiana's stance on creationist teaching turns into a Thomas Jefferson Is a BIG FAT PHONY fingerpoint clusterfuck.

Is Thomas Jefferson planning to run for office soon?
Jefferson? Well, I was kind of counting on him running in '12. Maybe he'd bring the hope and change we are all still waiting for. (green font. Calm down Obama dick chuggers. *I think I did that right)

In actuality, I was just pointing out that the one who started the whole "Separation of Church and State" nonsense was, in fact, a hypocrite and didn't quite believe what he said to a small church in a political letter. Until Congress passes a national religion or tells me I have to pray or that I have to do something in connection with religion, I'll be fine. My rights, as well as everyone else's, won't be intruded on. If some teachers want to teach creationism, I say it's not horrible but teach both for god's sake, if you do. Don't be like the cunt who taught my "Creation-Evolution" class where she just bashed Creationism the whole time when the class was advertised as a class to talk about both. Plus, if the teacher is teaching something you don't want to hear, just do what about 85% of kids do anyway, ignore the bitch and doodle on a piece of paper or something. I think people getting their panties all in a bunch over some teachers having the opportunity to teach Creationism along side of Evolution really just need to calm down and be open and accepting to different beliefs and views.

Or, now that I know what Louisiana thinks is acceptable learning matter in public schools, I'll just never move to Louisiana. However, if this Jindal douche gains steam are we looking at a similar push nationwide?


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,884
Quote from: Oleg on February 16, 2009, 08:58:46 AM
I'm just sick of this whole "rights" thing.  Why is it that every time some group is given rights, it ends up that some other group ends losing their rights.

And, Yeti, why is your creatist theory better than my creationist theory?  What if I believe that God created the earth and heavens in 14 days, rather than 7 (or 6)?  Are we going to dvevote time in the classroom to teach that theory (my use of the term "theory" is very loose here).  What if I believe that it wasn't God who created earth, but Matt Murton on a giant unicorn?

When we start teaching theories that are based on faith, we open up a can of worms.  I don't want to infringe on your faith, but keep it the hell away from mine.  Know what I mean, hoss?

My faith? I fucking hate the established religion world. Yes, I believe in God or whatever form it is, but definitely not in the capacity that the bible professes it to be. Churches make me feel uncomfortable. I'm not into that at all. However, I really don't see how it really hurts anyone or anything to present an idea that so many people in this world believe to be mostly true.


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,880
Re: The Atheist Communist Caliphate Made Flesh, Spread the Clusterfuck Around Th
« Reply #588 on: February 16, 2009, 09:11:13 AM »
Quote from: Slakee on February 15, 2009, 07:14:13 PM
I don't like posting links from blogs, and maybe this has been covered here already but isn't this one of the big GOP hopefuls for 2012?

Bobby Jindal?

This is the most unkindest cut of all:

QuoteThey have even gone as far as to say that the conference — with nearly 2000 attending — will be in Utah instead, where science is held in higher regard.
Take that, Adolf Eyechart.

"I'm just saying, penis aside, that broad had a tight fuckable body in that movie. Sans penis of course.." - A peek into *IAN's psyche


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 3,921
  • Location: Chicago
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:05:45 AM
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 08:41:39 AM
Interesting how a commentary on Bobby Jindal and the state of Louisiana's stance on creationist teaching turns into a Thomas Jefferson Is a BIG FAT PHONY fingerpoint clusterfuck.

Is Thomas Jefferson planning to run for office soon?
Jefferson? Well, I was kind of counting on him running in '12. Maybe he'd bring the hope and change we are all still waiting for. (green font. Calm down Obama dick chuggers. *I think I did that right)

In actuality, I was just pointing out that the one who started the whole "Separation of Church and State" nonsense was, in fact, a hypocrite and didn't quite believe what he said to a small church in a political letter. Until Congress passes a national religion or tells me I have to pray or that I have to do something in connection with religion, I'll be fine. My rights, as well as everyone else's, won't be intruded on. If some teachers want to teach creationism, I say it's not horrible but teach both for god's sake, if you do. Don't be like the cunt who taught my "Creation-Evolution" class where she just bashed Creationism the whole time when the class was advertised as a class to talk about both. Plus, if the teacher is teaching something you don't want to hear, just do what about 85% of kids do anyway, ignore the bitch and doodle on a piece of paper or something. I think people getting their panties all in a bunch over some teachers having the opportunity to teach Creationism along side of Evolution really just need to calm down and be open and accepting to different beliefs and views.

Do you understand that there could, LITERALLY, be an infinite amount of creationist theories?  Are we to devote time in classrooms to ALL of them?  Especially when NONE of them are based on any tangible evidence?


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 3,921
  • Location: Chicago
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:10:59 AM
Quote from: Oleg on February 16, 2009, 08:58:46 AM
I'm just sick of this whole "rights" thing.  Why is it that every time some group is given rights, it ends up that some other group ends losing their rights.

And, Yeti, why is your creatist theory better than my creationist theory?  What if I believe that God created the earth and heavens in 14 days, rather than 7 (or 6)?  Are we going to dvevote time in the classroom to teach that theory (my use of the term "theory" is very loose here).  What if I believe that it wasn't God who created earth, but Matt Murton on a giant unicorn?

When we start teaching theories that are based on faith, we open up a can of worms.  I don't want to infringe on your faith, but keep it the hell away from mine.  Know what I mean, hoss?

My faith? I fucking hate the established religion world. Yes, I believe in God or whatever form it is, but definitely not in the capacity that the bible professes it to be. Churches make me feel uncomfortable. I'm not into that at all. However, I really don't see how it really hurts anyone or anything to present an idea that so many people in this world believe to be mostly true.


I'm not refering to your faith specifically.  I'm refering to the idea that creationism is based on FAITH, as opposed to tangible evidence.  Like a 8 year old who really believes that Santa Claus is real, despite there not being any evidence that even begins to prove it so.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 7,883
  • Location: Bucktown
Quote from: Oleg on February 16, 2009, 09:16:37 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:10:59 AM
Quote from: Oleg on February 16, 2009, 08:58:46 AM
I'm just sick of this whole "rights" thing.  Why is it that every time some group is given rights, it ends up that some other group ends losing their rights.

And, Yeti, why is your creatist theory better than my creationist theory?  What if I believe that God created the earth and heavens in 14 days, rather than 7 (or 6)?  Are we going to dvevote time in the classroom to teach that theory (my use of the term "theory" is very loose here).  What if I believe that it wasn't God who created earth, but Matt Murton on a giant unicorn?

When we start teaching theories that are based on faith, we open up a can of worms.  I don't want to infringe on your faith, but keep it the hell away from mine.  Know what I mean, hoss?

My faith? I fucking hate the established religion world. Yes, I believe in God or whatever form it is, but definitely not in the capacity that the bible professes it to be. Churches make me feel uncomfortable. I'm not into that at all. However, I really don't see how it really hurts anyone or anything to present an idea that so many people in this world believe to be mostly true.


I'm not refering to your faith specifically.  I'm refering to the idea that creationism is based on FAITH, as opposed to tangible evidence.  Like a 8 year old who really believes that Santa Claus is real, despite there not being any evidence that even begins to prove it so.

I heard Santa Claus: How Does He Do It? Is a 400 level course at LSU.


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,884
Quote from: Oleg on February 16, 2009, 09:14:19 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:05:45 AM
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 08:41:39 AM
Interesting how a commentary on Bobby Jindal and the state of Louisiana's stance on creationist teaching turns into a Thomas Jefferson Is a BIG FAT PHONY fingerpoint clusterfuck.

Is Thomas Jefferson planning to run for office soon?
Jefferson? Well, I was kind of counting on him running in ’12. Maybe he’d bring the hope and change we are all still waiting for. (green font. Calm down Obama dick chuggers. *I think I did that right)

In actuality, I was just pointing out that the one who started the whole “Separation of Church and State” nonsense was, in fact, a hypocrite and didn’t quite believe what he said to a small church in a political letter. Until Congress passes a national religion or tells me I have to pray or that I have to do something in connection with religion, I’ll be fine. My rights, as well as everyone else’s, won’t be intruded on. If some teachers want to teach creationism, I say it’s not horrible but teach both for god’s sake, if you do. Don’t be like the cunt who taught my “Creation-Evolution” class where she just bashed Creationism the whole time when the class was advertised as a class to talk about both. Plus, if the teacher is teaching something you don’t want to hear, just do what about 85% of kids do anyway, ignore the bitch and doodle on a piece of paper or something. I think people getting their panties all in a bunch over some teachers having the opportunity to teach Creationism along side of Evolution really just need to calm down and be open and accepting to different beliefs and views.

Do you understand that there could, LITERALLY, be an infinite amount of creationist theories?  Are we to devote time in classrooms to ALL of them?  Especially when NONE of them are based on any tangible evidence?

Umm…. Yea. Kids have it too easy at school anyway. Keep those little fuckers there for 15 hours a day.

But seriously, the only thing I really find to be in question is the origin of life. I believe that evolution occurs. I don’t fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that’s the main objection that I have. The origin seems to be the big thing in question. I side with the notion that a higher being of some sort started it all. I don’t have the ability to find something on YouTube right now, but there is something I saw from a well-respected evolutionist said where he gave a story about the origin of life that possibly sounded more ridiculous than a god creating the world. I’ll be sure to find that for you.


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,881
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:29:54 AMI believe that evolution occurs. I don't fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that's the main objection that I have.

Uh, maybe I'm being obtuse, but isn't that kind of the whole idea of evolution? That's like saying you like the Cubs except for the whole baseball part.


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,880
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:29:54 AM
Quote from: Oleg on February 16, 2009, 09:14:19 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:05:45 AM
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 08:41:39 AM
Interesting how a commentary on Bobby Jindal and the state of Louisiana's stance on creationist teaching turns into a Thomas Jefferson Is a BIG FAT PHONY fingerpoint clusterfuck.

Is Thomas Jefferson planning to run for office soon?
Jefferson? Well, I was kind of counting on him running in '12. Maybe he'd bring the hope and change we are all still waiting for. (green font. Calm down Obama dick chuggers. *I think I did that right)

In actuality, I was just pointing out that the one who started the whole "Separation of Church and State" nonsense was, in fact, a hypocrite and didn't quite believe what he said to a small church in a political letter. Until Congress passes a national religion or tells me I have to pray or that I have to do something in connection with religion, I'll be fine. My rights, as well as everyone else's, won't be intruded on. If some teachers want to teach creationism, I say it's not horrible but teach both for god's sake, if you do. Don't be like the cunt who taught my "Creation-Evolution" class where she just bashed Creationism the whole time when the class was advertised as a class to talk about both. Plus, if the teacher is teaching something you don't want to hear, just do what about 85% of kids do anyway, ignore the bitch and doodle on a piece of paper or something. I think people getting their panties all in a bunch over some teachers having the opportunity to teach Creationism along side of Evolution really just need to calm down and be open and accepting to different beliefs and views.

Do you understand that there could, LITERALLY, be an infinite amount of creationist theories?  Are we to devote time in classrooms to ALL of them?  Especially when NONE of them are based on any tangible evidence?

Umm.... Yea. Kids have it too easy at school anyway. Keep those little fuckers there for 15 hours a day.

But seriously, the only thing I really find to be in question is the origin of life. I believe that evolution occurs. I don't fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that's the main objection that I have. The origin seems to be the big thing in question. I side with the notion that a higher being of some sort started it all. I don't have the ability to find something on YouTube right now, but there is something I saw from a well-respected evolutionist said where he gave a story about the origin of life that possibly sounded more ridiculous than a god creating the world. I'll be sure to find that for you.

Because a seemingly ridiculous story supported by some degree by data gained from expirimentation and observation obviously needs to be given equal or possibly lesser time in a SCIENCE CLASS to a seemingly ridiculous story that has mainly gained credence by being around for a while.

I'm not Olegesque in my atheism, but teaching Creationism in a science class is absolutely ridiculous. Faith is fine, believe what you want. But that's for church, not for school.
Take that, Adolf Eyechart.

"I'm just saying, penis aside, that broad had a tight fuckable body in that movie. Sans penis of course.." - A peek into *IAN's psyche


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,880
Quote from: RV on February 16, 2009, 09:32:51 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:29:54 AMI believe that evolution occurs. I don't fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that's the main objection that I have.

Uh, maybe I'm being obtuse, but isn't that kind of the whole idea of evolution? That's like saying you like the Cubs except for the whole baseball part.

That and, technically we're still apes.
Take that, Adolf Eyechart.

"I'm just saying, penis aside, that broad had a tight fuckable body in that movie. Sans penis of course.." - A peek into *IAN's psyche


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,920
  • Location: Chicago
Quote from: Jon on February 16, 2009, 09:36:42 AM
Quote from: RV on February 16, 2009, 09:32:51 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:29:54 AMI believe that evolution occurs. I don't fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that's the main objection that I have.

Uh, maybe I'm being obtuse, but isn't that kind of the whole idea of evolution? That's like saying you like the Cubs except for the whole baseball part.

That and, technically we're still apes.

Speak for yourself.  I'm going bald.  You see any bald apes?
I think he's more of the appendix of Desipio.  Yeah, it's here and you're vaguely aware of it, but only if reminded.  The only time anyone notices it is when it ruptures (on Weebs in the video game thread).  Beyond that, though, it's basically useless and offers no redeeming value.
Eli G. (6-22-10)


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,884
Quote from: RV on February 16, 2009, 09:32:51 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:29:54 AMI believe that evolution occurs. I don't fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that's the main objection that I have.

Uh, maybe I'm being obtuse, but isn't that kind of the whole idea of evolution? That's like saying you like the Cubs except for the whole baseball part.

Then someone tell me WHY man evolved from apes. I don't want the evidence of the evolution process. I've seen it. Someone tell me why Apes. a very powerful creature that could be the living fuck out of many predators it came across, evolved into man, a creature that doesn't possess that sort of physical power. We only *possibly* do when we work out gobs of time (or take steroids). Or is it the fact that man ultimately had better brain capacity? That would be the only explanation I have but it couldn't be possible for the mechanisms of evolution to really *know* that if they evolved into a better brain, then thousands of years later, they might be able to devise schemes to beat their predators as opposed to doing it with their hands. If apes were having problems beating their predators or surviving, they'd either get stronger or faster (both of which are the opposite of becoming man). That would be why I don't fully believe the ape to man thing. When evolution shows a clear advantage over it's predecessor then that's when I can agree with it. No way did the apes of 20,000 B.C. know that in 2009 A.D. if they turned into man, we'd be having this conversation now. If evolution is that good, then will it please predict the future, mainly the 2009 NLDS, so Lou can make sure he wins a goddamned playoff game.


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,884
Quote from: MAD on February 16, 2009, 10:12:50 AM
Quote from: Jon on February 16, 2009, 09:36:42 AM
Quote from: RV on February 16, 2009, 09:32:51 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:29:54 AMI believe that evolution occurs. I don't fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that's the main objection that I have.

Uh, maybe I'm being obtuse, but isn't that kind of the whole idea of evolution? That's like saying you like the Cubs except for the whole baseball part.

That and, technically we're still apes.

Speak for yourself.  I'm going bald.  You see any bald apes?


Sap, Y'All. Dang


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,880
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 10:15:21 AM
Quote from: RV on February 16, 2009, 09:32:51 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 09:29:54 AMI believe that evolution occurs. I don't fully subscribe to the Apes to man thing, but that's the main objection that I have.

Uh, maybe I'm being obtuse, but isn't that kind of the whole idea of evolution? That's like saying you like the Cubs except for the whole baseball part.

Then someone tell me WHY man evolved from apes. I don't want the evidence of the evolution process. I've seen it. Someone tell me why Apes. a very powerful creature that could be the living fuck out of many predators it came across, evolved into man, a creature that doesn't possess that sort of physical power. We only *possibly* do when we work out gobs of time (or take steroids). Or is it the fact that man ultimately had better brain capacity? That would be the only explanation I have but it couldn't be possible for the mechanisms of evolution to really *know* that if they evolved into a better brain, then thousands of years later, they might be able to devise schemes to beat their predators as opposed to doing it with their hands. If apes were having problems beating their predators or surviving, they'd either get stronger or faster (both of which are the opposite of becoming man). That would be why I don't fully believe the ape to man thing. When evolution shows a clear advantage over it's predecessor then that's when I can agree with it. No way did the apes of 20,000 B.C. know that in 2009 A.D. if they turned into man, we'd be having this conversation now. If evolution is that good, then will it please predict the future, mainly the 2009 NLDS, so Lou can make sure he wins a goddamned playoff game.

Okay, first things first...evolution has no WHY. It just is. Whatever survives long enough to breed and pass on traits survives to breed and pass on traits.

Second, the apes you see now are not ancestors of human beings. They share a common ancestor with human beings.

I know he can be kind of soapboxy atheist at times, but I highly suggest Richard Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale as a pretty easy layman's overview of the basic principles of evolution by Darwinian natural selection. You can skim over his personal and political asides relatively easily; just stick to the science part and it's every enlightening.
Take that, Adolf Eyechart.

"I'm just saying, penis aside, that broad had a tight fuckable body in that movie. Sans penis of course.." - A peek into *IAN's psyche