
OK A-holes.  It's fixed.  Enjoy the orange links, because I have no fucking idea how to change them.  I basically learned scripting in four days to fix this damned thing. - Andy

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"Those two pillows" was funnier than a dog whacking off
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Author Topic: Due Date  ( 828 )


  • Most people my age are dead.
  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 4,000
  • Location: Berkeley, California
Due Date
« on: November 08, 2010, 09:07:07 AM »
"Trains, Planes and Automobiles" caused me a lot of stress because I used to travel a lot.  The events, though a lot funnier, were not unbelievable.  Because I could relate to them they were funny.   "Due Date" is over the top from the beginning.  A lot of laughs, but it made we want to rent the original.
If I had known that I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.   (Plagerized from numerous other folks)